Woolly's Rugs

How it works

Thanks for your interest in our rugs.  Here’s how to bring your favorite rug home.

Scroll and Dream- We’ve curated a collection of colors and textures that we think you’ll love. Check them out, select some samples and see how they look in your home.

Picked and Clicked- You’ve found your favorite rug, in a size that is perfect and it’s go time.  Click through and place your order and the Woolly’s Rugs team goes straight into action. Remember, shipping for most sizes is included, and we’ll always send a rug pad along with your rug.

Cut*It*Out- Our skilled Pennsylvania based weavers have already woven your rug in a bulk roll.  Once you select the size of your rug, the material is cut and serged to produce the finishing touch. This may take up to 3 days to make it perfect! Every rug is then packaged and prepared to be sent home. 

Out for Delivery, Into Your Home- Your rug is heading to your home and will be there in a matter of days.  We recommend you lay the pad out in your desired space.  Gently roll your new rug on top of the pad.  Let the rug relax and take final form, as you relax and enjoy your new favorite rug.